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Our Services

Nordic Bond Pricing AS (NBP) provides evaluated prices on fixed income instruments in the Nordic markets, with a stronger focus on NOK and SEK denominated bonds. The company have also launched a family of bond indices to meet demand in the market for relevant benchmarks. 

Clients include mutual funds, insurance companies, pension funds, custodians, fund administrators, banks, and other financial institutions. Prices and indices are evaluated daily and utilized by clients in net asset value calculations and performance measurement. Products are also used by other asset management functions such as research, compliance, and risk management.


Bond Indices

The NBP index family is a comprehensive and flexible range of benchmarks designed to measure and analyse the performance of Nordic debt markets. A selection of sub-indexes is available in multiple combinations of bond classes, maturity, and interest types. 

To ensure the quality on the indices, several daily routines and controls are performed on input and output data, such as reference data and return components. NBP is an approved Benchmark Administrator, according to EU 2016/1011 Benchmark Regulation, by the Norwegian Financial Supervisory Authorities. 

Evaluated Bond Prices

The Nordic bond market share commonalities with other bond markets that securities are traded on infrequent basis. Except for a few moderately traded sectors, a clear and indisputable market price can thus seldom be easily obtained. 

NBP`s main objective is to provide best estimated market prices for the instruments covered. This objective is accomplished through gathering information and data, cleansing and processing of data and quality assurance by experienced analysts.

Valuations are mainly estimated based on broker quotes and indications, and in addition, several other sources of market information are used when available. Such market information may include secondary market trading levels, primary market issuance and market information provided by fund managers or traders.

Other Services

Swedish Securities Markets Association transparency agreement

The SSMA recommendation provides that participants in the Swedish bond market shall report information about transactions executed on the market, which in turn will be aggregated and published by Nordic Bond Pricing and Stamdata. To become a contributor, please contact us.

Swedish Trade Reporting Page

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